
Using the Power of a Strong Healthcare Brand to Minimize Disruption from New Competitors

September 18, 2024

Using the Power of a Strong Healthcare Brand to Minimize Disruption from New Competitors

Over the last decade or so, healthcare marketing has evolved to something closer to the dynamics of consumer marketing. There is consumer (patient) choice, demand, an understanding of pricing and value, and of course, increased competition. It’s honestly more of a retail mindframe in many cases, and we see that in today’s healthcare, competition is fiercer than ever for our clients.

It’s not just that existing providers and care sites have gotten more competitive with each other. There are also new players—like telemedicine providers, retail clinics, and tech-driven health startups—that are entering the market at a fast clip. For traditional healthcare organizations, this influx of competition can feel overwhelming. But there’s a not-so-secret weapon that can help hospitals and clinics hold their ground: a strong healthcare brand.

As we have said on this blog countless times, your brand isn’t just about a logo or a tagline. It’s about creating an identity that resonates with your patients, builds trust, and keeps them coming back—even when newer, shinier options pop up.

Let’s dig into how building a strong healthcare brand can minimize disruption from competitors and set your organization up for long-term success.

What Defines a “Strong” Healthcare Brand?

At its core, a strong healthcare brand is built on trust, reputation, and patient experience. These elements are intertwined and play a critical role in how your patients perceive your organization.

There truly is nothing more personal in our lives than healthcare and who provides it, so patients are looking for providers they can rely on. Establishing that trust means being transparent in communication, delivering consistent quality care, and engaging with the community in meaningful ways. Here’s where the marketing comes in: For example, a hospital that shares patient success stories and addresses concerns openly on social media will build trust and foster a sense of transparency through intentional communication and marketing.

Trust is just the beginning, however. Earning a positive reputation is the bedrock of any healthcare brand. This is built over time through positive outcomes, patient testimonials, and community engagement. It’s essential to maintain an impeccable reputation both online and offline. Patients talk, and reviews—whether word of mouth or digital—can make or break you. Emphasizing your credentials, experience, and areas of specialty are key ways to solidify your reputation.

In the end, however, patient experience is everything. Every touchpoint—from the first phone call to post-treatment follow-up—shapes how patients see you. And let’s be real: healthcare is emotional. Patients are often navigating stress, fear, and vulnerability, so empathy and compassion should be woven into every interaction. Showing that your organization genuinely cares builds lasting relationships and drives customer satisfaction.

Why a Strong Brand is Critical in Healthcare

Trust and loyalty go hand in hand, and we believe that a strong brand will drive loyalty and patient retention, which directly impacts your financial outcomes and organizational stability. Consistent messaging, patient testimonials, and community involvement are just a few ways to build that trust and foster brand loyalty.

Take brand recognition, for instance. Patients gravitate toward names they know and trust, especially when making important healthcare decisions. This is why standing out matters. Brands that are recognizable and have a solid reputation are more likely to win patient loyalty—even when a newer, lower-cost alternative enters the market. Why? Because they trust you to provide quality care. Consistent branding that reinforces your organization’s values and strengths helps create a sense of familiarity, security, and assurance.

Our Client Faced New Competition

Located in Glenwood Springs, Colo., Valley View is one of COHN’s longest-held and most interesting clients. Several years ago, its orthopedic surgeon group—ValleyOrtho—saw a nationally recognized, venture capital-backed competitor come into its market. While this new provider group had an established brand reputation regionally and nationally, it was ValleyOrtho that had the local connections and reputation. As such, the client needed a competitive marketing campaign that would position ValleyOrtho as both world-class surgeons and locally-trusted neighbors. This would be ValleyOrtho’s unique selling proposition and brand positioning to go against this much larger, well funded disruptor.

As you’ll see in this TV commercial, one of many we created for them, we featured the doctors in their natural habitat—both in their clinical setting and their recreational life in Glenwood Springs—to remind viewers that Valley View is a special place where your world-class surgeon also happens to be your next door neighbor. This successful marketing effort helped solidify ValleyOrtho’s position in the target market.

Impact of Branding on Patient Choice and Retention

Patients today have choices, even those in rural settings, and branding plays a huge role in how they make those decisions. Brands that leverage storytelling, empathy, and shared values can build strong emotional connections with their patients, leading to long-term brand loyalty.

Consider how a strong brand can even sway patient decisions in favor of higher-cost providers by emphasizing quality of care. Patients aren’t just choosing based on price—they’re choosing based on their emotional connection with the brand and how much they trust you to deliver.

An important part of building this connection is maintaining a consistent brand identity across all touchpoints, from your website to the waiting room. Consistency is key because it reinforces the message you want to convey and builds trust over time.

Challenges of Maintaining Brand Strength Amid New Competitors

In today’s healthcare market, new competitors, particularly digital health platforms and retail clinics, are disrupting traditional providers. These new players often provide convenience and lower costs, which can be hard to compete with. But a strong healthcare brand can help you maintain your edge.

One effective strategy is targeting specific patient populations or niche markets. For example, some healthcare brands may focus on providing specialty services that aren’t as easily accessible through retail clinics or telemedicine providers. This allows them to differentiate from competitors and focus on the unique value they provide.

Embracing technology is another way to enhance your brand. Telemedicine, patient portals, and CRM systems aren’t just buzzwords—they’re tools that can help you improve the patient experience and build brand loyalty. By showing that your organization is not only keeping up with but embracing technological advancements, you position your brand as innovative and patient-centric.

Strategies to Strengthen Your Healthcare Brand

Here’s the bottom line: to remain competitive, healthcare organizations must adapt. Focus on targeting niche markets, embrace technology, and maintain your core values.

Take inspiration from successful healthcare brands that have done this well. For example, Mayo Clinic has long been recognized as a leader in healthcare. They’ve maintained their brand strength by consistently delivering high-quality care, investing in cutting-edge technology, and fostering a deep sense of trust and loyalty with their patients.

Your healthcare brand can do the same. By focusing on trust, reputation, and patient experience, and continuously adapting to changes in the marketplace, you’ll not only survive—you’ll thrive.

The Role of a Healthcare Marketing Agency

If you’re serious about strengthening your brand and minimizing disruption from competitors, partnering with a marketing agency like COHN can be a game-changer. Healthcare marketing requires a deep understanding of both the industry’s unique challenges and its regulations. Agencies that specialize in this space can provide invaluable support in everything from healthcare brand strategy to online reputation management, helping you increase market share in the competitive healthcare industry.

Give us a call to schedule a free consultation, so we can uncover your brand differentiation and help you develop a strong marketing strategy in the healthcare industry to compete against disruptors in your area.

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