Brand Strategy

A brand agency that brings out your inner hero.

A successful brand is more than a cool logo or sharp tagline—it’s a complex series of distinctions built upon your authentic self, inside and outside your organization.

Founded in 2000, COHN was one of the first agencies in the region to fully embrace brand strategy, and we’ve successfully developed more than 150 brand strategies for our clients. We have deep and diverse experience across various situations, including brand launches, brand refreshes, rebrands, internal brand adoption, and brand revitalization.

Our process begins by collaborating closely with your team to determine how your brand will support the overall business strategy. This is done through deep-dive discovery, in-depth interviews, and a plethora of whiteboard brainstorms. From there, we articulate your brand vision through clear, strong brand positioning and messaging. We want to shift your story from WHAT and WHO to WHY. Ultimately, the goal is to evoke the feeling of the shift through copy tone and voice as well as through visuals to increase understanding and engagement. Implementation of your brand always begins internally. We will work closely with you to cultivate buy-in and internal advocates for the change via clear, accessible communication.

Brand development truly takes form when we work together to build your brand externally, for customers, channel partners, investors, media, and more. Through ongoing strategic planning, public relations, content and media, measurement, and adjustments for maximum market penetration, your brand will stand tall above competitors because it will be rooted in truth, distinction, and aspiration.

Brand Strategy is the intersection between who you are (authenticity) and why you matter (distinction). When authenticity and distinction come together, your brand will come alive.


Panorama Orthopedics & Spine






Craig Hospital


Kidneys for Communities




Way To Go


Downtown Superior


Owens Corning


Gatos Silver


Seed & Smith