Client Challenge

Creating connection in the wild.

Other zoos are all the same: You see, hear, and learn about animals. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is different. You truly get to connect with the animals. It’s an immersive experience that lives with you forever. One that awakens you to the interconnectedness of ALL living things. No other zoo can do this. Named the No. 3 best zoo in North America by USA Today, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (CMZ) has proven to be singular and distinct.

Our challenge was to develop a well-rounded campaign that taps into what makes CMZ different and carries forth its long-standing brand. COHN was also tasked with bringing in more off-season guests to better highlight what makes CMZ one of the best zoos in the country.


Our Solution

Bringing people closer than ever.

COHN partnered with Cheyenne Mountain Zoo to develop and launch the “Closer than Ever” campaign in the spring of 2022. This campaign highlighted the physical closeness and interactivity between zoo visitors and the animals as well as the relationship between the human visitors. Whether it’s a couple on a date or a family on a day out, Closer than Ever speaks to not only how close you can get to the animals but also how CMZ can make you feel – like no other zoo can. The campaign included a strategic mix of traditional and digital media to get the message out and keep CMZ top of mind among our key audiences.



Creating results that last.

In less than a year, the Closer than Ever campaign has delivered over 30 million impressions to date, resulting in a strong impact on ticket and membership sales. COHN will continue to develop creative elements to strengthen this campaign across all media strategies and boost awareness to potential guests. With continued success promoting advance ticket sales for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in our first year, COHN will also look to support membership and other opportunities for growth.

Brand Strategy