Client Challenge

The only app of Its kind.

The biggest challenge You:Flourish faced before coming to us was how to communicate the value of its custom smartphone application. The app, which is centered on bringing wellness and affirming resources to the LGBTQ+ community across the country, has yet to exist. Without a product to showcase, You:Flourish needed to find a way to effectively communicate the potential benefits and impact of the app to potential investors and consumers. This required a strong and compelling story that could bring the vision to life as well as a captivating aesthetic, to pique interest, and a destination for people to learn more about the app.

COHN Solution

Optimism, hopefulness, understanding, and wellness.

To effectively communicate the value of You:Flourish’s custom smartphone application, we implemented a comprehensive brand strategy. We began by gaining a deep understanding of the target customer base, and used this knowledge to craft a brand voice that evokes a sense of optimism, hopefulness, understanding, and wellness. To bring this voice to life, we employed a bold, positive, and multidimensional aesthetic that exudes strength, confidence, and pride. This aesthetic is the driving force behind the app’s design and the interim website’s design. The interim website, which is focused on investor outreach, crowdfunding, and awareness, is designed to provide information, news, and the opportunity to become an investor. In addition, an “In The News” section prominently features media content that tells a story of the problem, the solution, and the news of You:Flourish so readers can navigate through owned and curated information that tells a story of why the You:Flourish app and its services are so important.

Real Results

You:Flourish to transform wellness for the LGBTQ+ community.

The implementation of the brand strategy resulted in a strong foundation for You:Flourish to embark on its mission of bringing wellness and affirming resources to the LGBTQ+ community. The creative aesthetic was well received by the client, its partners, and board members, and was immediately integrated into the app design and development. The website served as a central hub for investor outreach, both through angel investors and crowdfunding campaigns, and continues to serve as a portal for ongoing information. The foundation of brand elements had a positive impact on the app development and helped the company to successfully communicate the value of the app to potential investors and users.

Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments

Creative Design
Marketing + Media