
What We Read This Week – February 24, 2017

February 23, 2017
From the future of social media to Opera’s comeback, we’ve got some interesting articles for you in this week’s What We Read.

Opera completely redesigns its desktop browser


This week I read that everyone’s favorite web browser is coming back with a vengeance. Opera is re-launching with a completely new look and feel and with some exciting new features! The new user interface has this UX designer a little giddy…
Jeffrey Steffonich, Art Director


Bulletin offers a flexible approach to shared retail space


Forget pop-up stores. A new Y Combinator-backed startup wants you to shop at a retail gallery of sorts, where the retail space is divided up into sections wherein independent brands (or established brands looking to experiment) can rent exhibit space or shelf space on a month-by-month basis. Theoretically, the consumer experience could be completely different every time you enter the store. It’s an interesting new “brick and mortar” concept. I know I’d certainly stop by a Bulletin store to see what’s new.
CJ Powell, Writer


Why Business Is About to Boom for Social Media Agencies


Social media has come a long way. What used to be a job only for those who have degrees in writing and/or journalism, is now a job that involves graphic designers, videographers, and photographers, too. This article from Convince & Convert highlights the evolution of social media and how it’s a much more integrated job these days.
Kaitlyn Ambrose, Content Producer


Common Mobile Monetization Mistakes: How to Choose the Right Ad Formats

Seeing more and more ads on your mobile device? That’s no surprise as there will continue to be more and more options. Wondering which format is best? Sounds like the catfish — at least that’s what publishers want you to chose.
Anne Wright, Senior Account Director


What We Watched – February 17, 2017