
Tips for Writing Great Video Marketing Scripts

May 4, 2020

How to write scripts for video marketing

No matter the size of your business or industry you operate in, video marketing can be very effective.  But how do you craft an impactful, emotive, and actionable video?

For starters, don’t skip the script. The script dictates every decision through pre-production, production, and post-production and can be the determining factor in your video’s success.

As an integrated brand agency, COHN handles video production from start to finish, so we wanted to offer up some best practices.

Pulling from the expertise of our team, we’ve collected the top tips for writing great video marketing scripts that will connect with your audience and convert your message into revenue.

Begin with Brand

Just like any other form of digital and social content, your brand should be clearly expressed in the script. Things like catchphrases, company statements, and other taglines help your audience identify know who the video belongs to, even if they just hear it in passing.

Trim to Fit

One of the greatest advantages of video marketing is its lifespan. A 3-minute video can be repurposed on social media into mere seconds. Testimonials can turn into content for paid search campaigns. All-in-all, your script needs to be written in clear and digestible amounts of information that can be turned into bite-sized content later on.

Read It Aloud

When crafting your first draft, focus on saying everything you want to say – in the way you would say it. Your target audience isn’t going to read the script, so don’t focus on what looks best on paper. After you check that everything sounds natural, see if your script speaks directly to the audience, not at them. Words like “you” and “we” are great additions to creating a personable dialogue.

Remember the Goal

Good video marketing accomplishes two things: education and persuasion. While it’s not necessary that your video does both, it is essential to keep your business’s objectives in mind throughout the scriptwriting process. Create a call to action that addresses your viewer directly and gives them an explicit way to continue engaging with your brand.

With more than 20 years in delivering video content for our clients, we know scriptwriting involves much more than what is outlined above. We also know that successful video marketing comes from having a dedicated team of specialists all working together for what matters most – your business.

If you’re looking to improve your current video marketing strategy, give COHN a call. We’ll apply our leading video capabilities to solve your greatest challenges.

Dear College Graduates…