
Social Media + Healthcare Heroes: A Dynamic Duo

October 1, 2024

Social Media + Healthcare Heroes: A Dynamic Duo

Social media can be an incredibly powerful tool for marketing, but as a healthcare marketing agency, we notice that not all healthcare brands are taking advantage. When done effectively, a strong social media presence in healthcare can be a powerful platform that can bring “healthcare heroes” into the spotlight and create meaningful connections between healthcare brands and their communities. In today’s blog, we’re looking at these “healthcare heroes” and how they can be used in social media marketing.

From heartwarming stories of dedication to real-life patient stories from those whose lives were saved, social media allows healthcare organizations to share the incredible efforts of their staff, patients, leaders and community members in an authentic, engaging way, offering valuable health information to their audience.

As always in healthcare marketing, this tactic isn’t just about awareness or recognition—rather, social media can be used to build trust, inspire loyalty, and deepen relationships with both patients and the broader public.

Let’s explore how healthcare organizations can tap into the power of social media to amplify the impact of their healthcare heroes and foster community connections.

What is a “Healthcare Hero” and Why Do They Resonate with Audiences

Healthcare workers have always been seen as symbols of compassion, dedication, and trust, but their role has never been more valued than in recent years. Whether it’s nurses working overtime, doctors guiding patients through tough decisions, or technicians ensuring that critical treatments are delivered on time, these individuals embody the very best of humanity.

Spotlighting healthcare heroes through social media brings these stories to life, connecting with patients on an emotional level. And let’s face it—until robot doctors start taking over the world, healthcare will always remain deeply personal. As such, we believe that by sharing these stories, healthcare organizations not only build connections with current patients but also inspire trust and loyalty in prospective ones. It’s all about showing the human side of healthcare, the moments of courage and care that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Additionally, by highlighting these heroes, organizations will also boost internal morale. Recognizing the hard work and dedication of staff fosters pride and strengthens bonds within healthcare teams, creating a positive ripple effect that extends to the broader public. Show some love to your heroes on social!

Healthcare Heroes in Action: Some COHN Case Studies

When it comes to showcasing healthcare heroes, the work we at COHN did for Kidneys for Communities is a prime example.

Through the “Put Your Kidney Where Your Heart Is” campaign, COHN helped introduce the concept of community-directed kidney donations. The campaign highlighted the life-changing work of kidney donors, recipients and the healthcare professionals facilitating these surgeries. By sharing their stories on social media and targeting specific communities like military units and fraternities, the campaign tapped into emotional connections, raising awareness and encouraging donations. This authentic storytelling led to an expanded outreach strategy, complete with a new website and community activation programs. The result? Increased engagement and a broader platform for those looking to make a life-saving impact.

If you haven’t already heard of Kidneys for Communities, we encourage you to check them out! Here’s an amazing story of our work with the organization to partner with the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation during National Kidney Month to help first responder heroes in need of a kidney transplant.

Another example of social media in action is the campaign COHN developed for Kaiser Permanente surrounding the Medicare Advantage program. This localized campaign highlighted Kaiser Permanente as the only Medicare Advantage plan provider in Colorado with a 5-Star rating in 2020. Through social media, they featured real-life patients sharing their personal stories—how Kaiser’s 5-Star rating helped them maintain a vibrant lifestyle. This authentic, patient-centered approach helped drive new members to the Medicare Advantage Plan, showcasing the power of social media in the healthcare industry.

woman on a motorcycle


With over 51,000 visits to the landing page and direct enrollments from TV ads, the campaign was a major success, showcasing how healthcare branding can make a tangible difference.

Challenges of Social Media in Healthcare Heroes Campaigns

While the rewards of social media campaigns are great, they don’t come without challenges—especially in healthcare. One of the biggest hurdles is navigating privacy laws, such as HIPAA, to ensure patient confidentiality when sharing patient stories or health information. In an ideal world, sharing stories about healthcare heroes would involve real patients and real experiences, but we know that’s not always possible. When you are able to, however, it’s crucial to maintain strict privacy protocols and secure patient consent before any information goes public.

Striking the right balance between authenticity and professionalism is another challenge. While the goal is to humanize healthcare heroes, it’s important not to cross the line into content that could come across as unprofessional or exploitative. Instead, healthcare organizations should focus on sharing stories that genuinely celebrate the work of their staff without using their experiences solely for marketing purposes.

Strategies for Successful Healthcare Hero Campaigns on Social Media

So, how do you create a healthcare hero campaign that hits the mark? It all starts with storytelling. Sharing real-life experiences of healthcare workers through patient testimonials, behind-the-scenes footage, or even live streams can create an immersive and engaging experience for audiences. Vulnerability remains king in storytelling. Video testimonials, in particular, offer a raw, unfiltered look at the impact healthcare workers have, helping people feel a deeper connection to the brand and foster community engagement. You can also leverage these stories to create content such as blog posts or social media updates, providing valuable health information to your audience.

Encouraging community engagement is another strategic winning approach. Inviting patients and community members to share their stories and interactions with healthcare heroes not only generates user-generated content but also strengthens bonds with your brand. It’s a great way to show that your organization is truly invested in its patients and the healthcare community.

Measuring the Success of Healthcare Hero Campaigns

At the end of the day, it’s important to measure the impact of your healthcare hero campaigns as part of your overall healthcare social media strategy. Key engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and overall reach are a good starting point for gauging the success of your social media efforts. But more importantly, look at how these campaigns affect patient retention and trust.

By conducting surveys and monitoring social media engagement, healthcare organizations can assess how well their campaigns are resonating with patients and how they’re influencing long-term loyalty. Tracking the growth of social media followers and the amplification of your brand message will also give you insights into increased awareness and engagement.

How COHN Helps Craft Healthcare Hero Campaigns

If you’re looking to elevate your healthcare heroes through social media, COHN has the expertise to craft authentic, compliant campaigns that resonate. With a deep understanding of healthcare marketing and the unique challenges the industry faces, COHN develops customized healthcare social media strategies that showcase healthcare heroes in a way that reflects your organization’s values and builds stronger connections with your healthcare community.

Bringing Healthcare Segments to Life with Personas