
CEO Jeff Cohn quoted in Inc. Magazine

September 16, 2019

Our CEO Jeff Cohn used as an expert source in Inc. Magazine article

As the master of all things brand, Jeff Cohn knows a thing or two about recapturing consumer love through brand experience. In fact, he’s built a career out of it, establishing our nearly 20-year-old brand marketing agency in Denver, Colo. called COHN Marketing. And because Jeff knows more about brand than most of us will ever forget, he’s always willing to serve as a source when asked.

Most recently, Jeff was asked about Chipotle and its path toward brand redemption since 2015. In Inc. Magazine’s “How to Recalibrate Your Brand Experience Like Chipotle,” a step-by-step analysis of Chipotle’s brand renewal, Jeff was quoted under the “Design a brand feeling” section:

  “…As Jeff Cohn, CEO and founder of brand marketing agency COHN Marketing, points out, ‘We, in the retail world, must create and enable a customer experience that’s worth coming back to. It can’t only be about the product. It has to be about the feeling you evoke during those customer interactions.’ Chipotle has created a product that isn’t just delicious — it’s an ethos with which customers can align themselves…”

To read more from Inc., check out the original source article here.

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