
Digital Marketing Specialist

Birthplace:Austin, TX

College:University of Arizona

Every team needs someone that is playing the game one or two moves ahead. As an avid multitasker and general “get-it-doner,” Justin Gatz sees the world through structure and helps to create a framework for marketing campaigns to thrive.

Brands Worked On

Credit Union of Colorado, IOTAS, Panorama, Seed & Smith, Craig Hospital, CSU Global, Wendy’s, Honda, Old Chicago

Previous Companies

CSU Global, Inline Media, Rubin Postaer & Associates

Industry Experience

Financial Services, Tech, Cannabis, Healthcare, Higher Ed, Auto, Fast Casual, Utilities, Communications

Things you might not know about Justin Gatz
Cities lived in:

Austin, TX; Miesenbach, Germany; Crestview, FL; Edwards AFB, CA; Surprise, AZ; Tucson, AZ; Boulder, CO; Denver, CO.

Unexpected fun fact:

I have dual citizenship in Germany and the U.S.

A quote you love:

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” – Mark Twain

Favorite smell(s):

The smell of the desert after it rains (petrichor), garlic, campfire.

What do you do in your spare time?

Backcountry camping, hiking, landscape photography, drone videography, woodworking, reading, memes.



Senior Account Director

Birthplace:Kalamazoo, MI

College:Western Michigan University and Regis University

In a sea of sterile healthcare marketing, being the brand that feels human makes all the difference. This is the philosophy our healthcare account director Kathy Borgais applies to all our clients. As a savvy, detail-oriented, and driven account director, Kathy has the experience and know-how to achieve success in any situation.