
What We Watched This Week – October 9, 2015

October 9, 2015

Sit back, relax and check out what we watched this week. 

Meet Project Comet
I watched a video about Adobe’s new Project Comet tool that should be out early next year. Instead of having one tool for design and then working with a prototyping tool, Project Comet will have both of these functions in one. I am getting goosebumps just thinking about it! (or that might be the cold sweats from not having enough caffeine this morning….) Either way I am getting stoked!
Jeffrey Steffonich, Senior Designer

Ad of the Day: Extra Gum Wraps Up One of the Year’s Sweetest Love Stories
I’m a sucker for emotion-based ads that span time and therefore tell a story. On the surface, it’s a little hard to reconcile that Extra Gum could actually make a love story plausible, but heck, it worked for me. As a couple, Sarah and Juan are so stinkin’ cute together. I’m kind of curious about their wedding. Does she step in gum on her way to the alter, ditch her shoes and get married in bare feet? Hmmmm…
Karen Johnson, Senior Account Director

Will Earth in 2045 Be Heaven or Hell?
Great interactive ad from M&C Saatchi for SPP, a pension management company, about how our seemingly small choices make an impact on our planet. By sliding the bar to the left or right, you see different juxtaposed visions of our futures. The message is strong – saving for our retirements isn’t enough, we need to do more. If not for you, then do it for your children and your children’s children. “Small choices can make a big difference.”
Tara Astrom, Graphic Designer & Production Manager

Check it out:

What We Learned This Week – September 25, 2015