
What We Learned This Week – September 25, 2015

September 24, 2015

It’s been a busy week at COHN. We’ve been learning about the secret behind Apple’s new font, how Millennials are big supporters of corporate social responsibility (CSR), and how the name of a company is just as important as the products it sells. 

How to: Name your brand
A favorite pastime among COHNians.  It’s always interesting to learn different ways to get the creative juices flowing.
Karen Johnson, Senior Account Director

The Secret of the Apple’s New San Francisco Fonts
This week I learned all about Apple’s new iOS font, San Fransisco. A very fun and educational read that ditches Helvetica Neue for this more legible typeface that was very successful already on the Apple watch.
Jeffrey Steffonich, Senior Designer

New Cone Communications Research Confirms Millennials As America’s Most Ardent CSR Supporters, But Marked Differences Revealed Among This Diverse Generation
Perhaps we’re entitled, but at least we’ll stand behind a cause we believe in! According to a recent research study, more than nine-in-10 Millennials would switch brands to one associated with a cause and two-thirds use social media to engage around corporate social responsibility.
Kate Peters, Senior PR Director

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Enculturation: Understanding Nuances of Communicating Across Cultures