
What We Learned This Week – September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy What We Learned This Week.

Is it finally the year of video?

It’s been talked about for a while. But, with 96% of B2B companies planning to use video next year, it seems to be gaining more and more momentum!
Senior Account Director, Anne Wright

Google Evolves

This week I learned that even the best of us are due for an update. An awesome article about evolving the Google logo and brand.
Senior Designer, Jeffrey Steffonich

How to use Periscope for your business

Periscope is still a fairly new social media tool therefore it can be challenging to come up with ways to attract followers depending on your brand. Marketers have been utilizing Periscope for product demos, share industry news, and connect wit thought leaders.
Digital Coordinator, Kaitlyn Ambrose

Photo Credit: Social Media Today

What to Look for in a Public Relations Representative