
What We Learned This Week – December 19, 2014

December 19, 2014

Okay, we’re mixing things up again. Here’s a peek at what we learned this week. 

3D Printed Paws Allow Disabled Rescue Dog to Run For the Very First Time
This week I learned: There are STILL awesome people in the world and technology is heading in the right direction. What warms my heart more than a pumpkin spice latte with a splash of soy… puppies – running puppies! Probably the greatest sight to see in this cold hard world. After being born with a disease that immobilized his front two paws, Derby the dog was able to run again with the help of his owner and a team of dog orthopedists by creating 3D printed paws.
Jeffrey Steffonich, Senior Designer

 A Designer’s Sublime Text Setup
Pretty geeky here, but if anyone out there reading this happens to write code….
Cindy Gamel, Creative Technologist 

NPR One App
Where have I been? How long has this been out!? Most days I have NPR of some sort streaming in my headphones, so I loved discovering this NPR One App for personalized listening. It makes the daily “what should I listen to?” question way easier to answer. It’s a mix of items you pick and others’ NPR picks, resulting in “Serendipity making your world bigger and smaller at the same time.”
Jackie Cartier, PR & Social Media Adviser 

Theoretical Limits
Ever wondered the maximum length material such as aluminum can support its weight? Or the most babies born to one mother? Now you know.
Anne Wright, Senior Account Director

The State of JavaScript in 2015
Uh oh – trouble is a-rumblin’ in paradise! Now developers must try to learn what to un-learn.
Cindy Gamel, Creative Technologist 

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