
What We Read This Week – December 2, 2016

December 2, 2016

Grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, and check out what we read this week.

Weed is winning, but the train could still go off the tracks

Politics aside, President-Elect Trump’s nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions as the next attorney general puts the legal cannabis industry on notice. Earlier this year, Sessions said of the industry, “We need grown-ups… to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized.” Later, he called it “a very real danger.” This sort of reefer madness is exactly what our legal cannabis industry has been fighting (and overcoming) for years, but as the Associated Press points out in this article, the next four years could be a challenge for all of us with AG Sessions at the helm.
CJ Powell, Writer


The Ethics of Good Design: A Principle for the Connected Age

This week I read a great article on the ethics of good design. It’s pretty simple and breaks down the “10 Commandments of Design” taught by the German industrial designer Dieter Rams. Very cool and interesting quick read.
Jeffrey Steffonich, Art Director


How Fitbit Keep Its Customers Moving in Social Media and Online Communities

The wearable fitness technology giant Fitbit is killing it in the experience and customer service department. Focusing on users’ experience with the technology and making themselves readily available for all via multiple channels sets them apart from the rest. Director of Community Alison Leahy understands the value of online communities and how impactful they can be when it comes to customer service and experience. Bravo, Fitbit!
Kaitlyn Ambrose, Content Coordinator


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